Ryan Agoncillo School

Ryan Agoncillo School Attended? Or Educational Background?

About Ryan Agoncillo
Name is Kristoffer Lou Ryan Agoncillo a  Filipino actor, model, singer, photographer, and TV host.He is the husband of drama queen Judy Ann Santos. Ryan has several tv show with GMA 7 and TV5.

Ryan Agoncillo Career
Ryan Agoncillo School

He started modeling at the age of 15 appearing in various commercials like Sprite, Smart and Emperador. Ryan is known as a TV host of morning programs like Mornings, Talk TVm Breakfast, Star in A Million and Y Speak. 2009 when he joined the longest noon time show Eat Bulaga and game show host Picture Picture GMA 7. His acting career begin joining Krystala with her wife Judy Ann Santos and made a film Kasal Kasali  Kasalo. Ryan is a motorcycle enthusiast and into drifting. Here are some of his awards and achievements
Nominated, Best Actor, 2011 PMPC Star Awards for Movies,Outstanding Original Reality Competition Program Host, 8th ENPRESS Golden Screen Awards 2011 Nominated, Best Actor for "Kasal...Kasali...Kasalo, FAMAS Awards 2006,Winner, Best Emcee- 2007, 2008 & 2009 Aliw Awards

Ryan Agoncillo Educational Background
High School and Elementary - San Beda Alabang
College at De La Salle University Manila  Bachelor of Arts degree, major in Organizational Communication.

Ryan Agoncillo School and other Famous Celebrity School

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