Mikael Daez School

Mikael Daez School Attended? Or Educational Background?

About Mikael Daez
Name is Mikael Daez a model, actor, television host and blogger. He is from Metro Manila and a GMA talent artist. He is playng a gay role in the new family comedy series in GMA Ismol family.

Mikael Daez Career
Mikael Daez School

He started his career in adversimnet in brands like Centrum ,Bonakid and Brown Rice. He play the role Lumad in a Philippine Historical drama Amaya with Marian Rivera. He is also one of the cast of the 80's remake film Temptation Island. Here are some of his  award/nomination and recognition: Most Promising Actor of the Year (Included)
Amazing Male Newcomer nomination,Outstanding Breakthrough Performance by an Actor Nominee for Amaya

Mikael Daez Educational Background
Ateneo de Manila Loyola Degree of a Bachelor in Business Management Course.

Mikael Daez School and other Famous Celebrity School

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