Kevin Santos School

Kevin Santos School Attended? Or Educational Background?

About Kevin Santos
Kevin Santos is a Filipino actor, dancer and from Manila he is currently with GMA network and  product of Starstruck II artista search. Kevin is  included in the Final 14 but failed to win the competition.

Kevin Santos Career
Kevin Santos School

He joined Starstruck season 2 and become an Starstruck Avenger and land some 
television appearance and shows like Maynila, Agawin Mo Man Ang Lahat, Agawin mo na Ang Lahat sa Akin, Baywalk My Only Love,Ako si Kim Samsoon,Obra: Reunion ,I Heart You, Pare!My Beloved, My Husband's Lover The Borrowed Wife and Yagit. Kevin won the 2014 11th Golden Screen TV Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in the hit series My Husband Lovers

Kevin Santos Educational Background

Kevin Santos School and other Famous Celebrity School

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