Louise Delos Reyes School

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About Louise Delos Reyes
Mary Grace delos Reyes Perido also known as Louise Delos Reyes is an actress, dancer, host, model and currently with GMA7 artist center. She is from Tanza Cavite Philippines and her close relatives and friends also call her Lou or Grace.

Louise Delos Reyes Career
Louise Delos Reyes School

She started her career joining various beauty competition like Cavite 2010, Ms. Teen Philippines International — Luzon 2007, Ms. Jag Teen 2007 and Ms. Teen Super Ferry 2007.
She played role in a Indie Film and earned her a Best New Movie Actress nomination. She appear in GMA network shows like Tween Hearts,Alakdana and primetime drama One True Love. She currently play the role of Alona as Kambal Sirena.

Louise Delos Reyes School Educational Background
Lyceum of the Philippines University

Louise Delos Reyes School and other Famous Celebrity School

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