Kobe Paras School

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Kobe Paras School Attended? Or Educational Background?

About Kobe Paras
Kobe Paras is a high school basketball player, artist, model and host. He is the son of former PBA superstar Benjie Paras and Jackie Forster. Kobe stands at 6'6" and only 17 years old.

Kobe Paras Career

Kobe Paras School
Influenced by his father and brother Andrei, Kobe started at a young age. Playing for the NCAA tournament as an archer and wining a Slam dunk contest in FIBA 3x3 competition he gain popularity when he dunked on Lebron James as a part of King James visit to Manila. Kobe Paras is currently studying at LA Cathedral (Los Angeles)as a exchange student. 

Kobe Paras School Educational Background
La Salle Greenhills 
LA Cathedral US

Kobe Paras School and other Famous Celebrity School

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