Fretzie Bercede School

Want to know Fretzie Bercede School? 

Fretzie Bercede School Attended? Or Educational Background?

About Fretzie Bercede
Real name is Fretzie Joan Bercede a Filipina actress and television personality. She is 3rd
placer in Pinoy Big Brother: Teen Clash 2010. Fretzie is currently with ABS CBN Starmagic

Fretzie Bercede Career
Fretzie Bercede School

She started by joining PBB Teen edition and ranked as third placer. She then appeared in various television shows ASAP, Umagang Kay Ganda, Banana Split,The Buzz,MMK, Shout Out, Happy Yippe Yehey, Maynila, Mula Sa Puso and Angelito Batang Ama.She also appeared in Romeo and Juliet Theater

Fretzie Bercede School Educational Background
Colegio De La Imaculada Concepcion Cebu

Fretzie Bercede School and other Famous Celebrity School

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