Ynna Asistio School

Want to know Ynna Asistio School

Ynna Asistio School Attended? Or Educational Background?

About Ynna Asistio
Real name is Alynna Alexandra Asistio from Caloocan City. She is the daughter of Nadia  Montenegro and Mayor Macario Boy Asistio. She is currently with ABS CBN Star Magic. 
Ynna is alos knows as Inah, Yns and Lex

Ynna Asistio Career
Ynna Asistio School

 She started in QTV11 Candies she also appeared in various GMA network projects before joining  ABS CBN. Here are some of Ynna television and movie appearance: Lets Go, SOP Rules,  Mga Mata ni Angelita, La Vendetta,ASAP, George and Cecil, Dwarfina,Bubble Gang, Banana Split Maria Mercedes ,MMK m The Road and Concerto.

Ynna Asistio School Educational Background
CEU Masscom Major in Broadcasting

Ynna Asistio School and other Famous Celebrity School

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