Sandy Talag School

Sandy Talag School Attended? Or Educational Background?

About Sandy Talag
Name is Sandy Ann Rivera Talag is aFilipina actress, commercial model and aproduct of realtiy talent search Starsruck Kids of GMA network.

Sandy Talag Career
Sandy Talag School

She started her career joining the competion Starstruck Kids and since then she appeared in some GMA shows like
Love to Love, Mahiwagang Baul, Majika, Lupin, Daisy Siete, My Only Love, Kamandag, Luna Mystika, ear Friend: The Three Bachelors All About Eve, Ikaw Sana, idnight DJ:Terror sa Talyer Ghost of Girl TV5, AMaya, maynila Loving Your Own, Kidlat, Carmela, and Nino. Sandy also recevved various Awards and Nominations 2013 Oaxaca International Film Festival Outstanding Achievement in Acting and 2014 Jaipur International Film Festival Best Actress Won

Sandy Talag Educational Background
St. Martin de Porres Catholic School Bulacan 

Sandy Talag School and other Famous Celebrity School

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