Raymond "Abra" Abracosa School

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About  Raymond Abracosa
Raymond "Abra" Abracosa School

Real Name Raymond Abracosa know as “Abra” a Filipino Hiphop artist and seen on popular Youtube channel Fliptop. 

Abra School

He started as a member of a group LDP means Lyrically Deranged Poets in 2010. They gain popularity when it was featured in myx a local music television show. When fliptop came he is one of the first emcees to compete and gain popularity. He also release his music video “Gayuma”  love potion. The video reached a 23 million views on Youtube. 

Raymond Abracosa Educational Background 
Abra earned his diploma from Colegio De San Agustin and graduated from college in University of Asia and Pacific (Ortigas) degree Management

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